Information & Data Illustration

Exploration, analysis and creation of custom-made visuals
to communicate complex data and information.

Alzheimer research budget

Research and design (2023)
Sourche: US

Yearly maternal deaths
caused by unsafe abortions

Research and design (2023)
Source: “Seeing the Unseen: The case for actionin the neglected crisis of unintended pregnancy”

What would the murder rates of other cities be
if they matched Oakland's?

Research and design (2023)
Source: “California”, Francesco Costa 2022

Street Harassment

Data Illustration (2023)
Data by researcher Greta Calabresi

Visages du Monde

Design (2022)
Data: Azzurra Rinaldi (2021)

Book (2018)
An illustrated visual atlas showcasing 50 ethnic minorities from around the world. Each spread features a face illustrated in the simplest possible way, representing the essence of the culture and key information about the group, language curiosities, a traditional pattern, and a map highlighting their region.

This project celebrates diversity while offering a beautifully simple way to learn about the rich tapestry of cultures across the globe.

Money (absence of) privilege
for Italian women